

Don't you know that I'll be around to guide you
Through your weakest moments to leave them behind you

Returning nightmares only shadows
We'll cast some light and you'll be alright
We'll cast some light and you'll be alright for now

The streets outside your window overflooded
People staring, they know you've been broken
Repeatedly reminded by the looks on their faces
Ignore them tonight and you'll be alright
We'll cast some light and you'll be alright

I will take this broken girl and put the pieces back as one. Jag önskar att du var här. Så vi kunde sitta under taket och höra regnet ösa ner, dricka vin, prata om allt vi borde prata om så vi kunde bli hela igen. Saknar dig som få.

1 kommentar :

  1. awh bebis <3 du e så söt så :D kom å helsa på
